How long does it take to apply and gain approval within a conservation area?
Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to suggest a precise timeframe for approval, as this can be impacted if there is a backlog of submitted applications. We can, however, provide some rough guidelines based on the 300+ planning applications we have submitted to local planning authorities.
Preparing the application – 2-3 weeks
In order to gather information and put the application together, we recommend allowing several weeks. This ensures that everything is in line with the requirements of the conservation area.
Assessing the application – 8 weeks
The planning authority has to return a decision within this timeframe. However, the countdown won’t start until the application has been checked and has been deemed to be complete with the right information.
As a result, planning authorities can use the validation process to their advantage when struggling with a large backlog. They can also request additional information to extend the decision date further. These factors are out of the applicant’s control and, unfortunately, must be accepted as part of the planning process.