How long does it take to apply and gain approval within a conservation area?
This is a difficult question to answer decisively because it will depend on how many submitted applications are currently in the queue to be reviewed. However, based on the 300+ applications we have handled over the years, we can provide the following rough guidelines.
Preparing the application – 2-3 weeks
You should allow several weeks to gather all the necessary information and assemble the application. Conservation areas can have detailed requirements, so it’s worth spending the time to make sure everything is correct.
Assessing the application – 8 weeks
The planning authority is held to an 8-week timeline to return a decision. However, this timeline only starts once the application has been checked and marked as complete. This can be used by planning authorities to their advantage, delaying the start whilst they work through a large backlog. Additional information can also be requested to extend the decision date. As an applicant these measures are out of your control and must be accepted as part of the process.